Mobile integration with the ERP Systems

Vijay Bhat, CIO & Head (IT&SAP), Metenere Group

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Mobile ERP isn’t anything new. Enterprises have been integrating ERP capabilities with mobile devices for more than a decade. But, what’s different about today’s ERP mobile systems is that they need to accommodate an increasing number of devices. Further, older approaches to mobile enterprise resource planning are unable to fit the latest technological advances and individual requirements, such as data transfers between different types of mobile devices, including laptops, tablets and Smartphones.

The basic reason was to have the real time access to the system without any delays and independency on the laptops and desktops. Most of the companies are evolving and so is their mobile strategy. Mobile Strategy has a big impact on employees, customers and eventually on the overall business. Most of the release strategies, approval process, order processing, sales force activities and the integration of attendance stem, leave management, travel management, all these integrations and configurations have saved a lot of time which use to be consumed by either paperwork or useless follow-ups. 

1. The quality of service is improves as the customers have direct access to the relevant information.

2. The productivity is greater as most of the employees waste much time in driving cars or sitting in airports, mobility helped employees use time productively as all have tools, materials and information to eliminate any delay.

3. Has drastically improved deeper business relationships, having information at their fingertips helped employees deepen business relationship and response time.

4. The ability to deliver real time information on the spot to accounts helped organization to improve competitive advantage.

5. Automation of analytical reports for management, available on real time basis.

6. Easy for employees to fill in their official documents like, leave, travel, and to check their attendance on their devices.

With the help of mobile integration with the ERP, our mobile workers are taking advantage of the functionality, data, and benefits of the ERP application not only in the office but also on the road. Mobility will only become more and more prevalent in the workplace and organizations should choose a system that can scale with their business and also have the capability and flexibility to integrate with new technology solutions.

The integration of mobility has also helped us a lot on the production front, at each station on the production floor employees are equipped with tablets or mobile devices. They can view all the necessary information for a project or entire production chain, check and monitor progress percentage complete, parts produced downtime etc. All information is available on real time basis to monitor status of the machines and labor all times.

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